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Forest Everest 4 X 4 Driving Down A Mountain Jpg

Off-road L plates: Climbing mountains

SUVs with Low Range diffs and Hill Descent Control can take you almost anywhere, but there are some basics to follow if you want to get to the top. And back.

Audi R8 wheel, brake rotor and caliper

How do brakes work?

They’re arguably the most important element of your car, but how exactly do brakes work?

Child Looking Out Of Car Window Road Trip Jpg

10 games for a family road trip

Keep the kids off the iPad on a family bonding road trip – here are 10 games you can play that don’t require anything but imagination

Toyota Lancruiser Crossing River Pg Jpg

Off-road L plates: Learning to cross rivers in a 4x4

The primal urge to ford rivers and streams must be tempered with a little car preparation and plenty of know-how

Audi SQ7 48 volt car

What’s a 48-volt car?

Car makers are working on 48-volt vehicles. Does that mean we will one day need to buy a bigger battery?

Mazda BT-50 rear

Off-road L plates: A 4x4 novice tackles sand at Fraser Island

In this first of three articles on the art of off-roading, Stephen Corby looks at the importance of tyre pressure and traction control

Hybrid Car Badge Side Jpg

Do hybrids actually save you money?

Saving the planet may not necessarily mean saving money

Canadian Mounties Texting Drivers 1 Jpg

Police targeting texting drivers more than 1km away

New technology means Canadian mounties will definitely get their man (and woman)

Shopping For Child Seats Jpg

Child seats explained

Buying an ISOFIX seat for your kids brings parental piece of mind

power vs torque

Power versus torque

Owners can brag about their cars’ horsepower, but it’s torque that pushes you back in the seat when you accelerate

Skoda Fabia

Good cars overlooked by new car buyers

Australian buyers are shunning some excellent cars and sticking with the big sellers.

Rear Wheel Drive Car Driving Road Jpg

Front-Wheel Drive versus Rear-Wheel Drive – Which is best?

Space-efficient FWD cars and ‘old-school’ RWD cars each have a place in the modern car park

Car suspension arm with ball joint

What are suspension arms?

Critical for a smooth ride and accurate steering, suspension arms work in conjunction with your car’s springs.

suspension ball joints

What are ball joints?

Similar to human hip joints, ball joints in your car’s suspension allow a wide range of movement. But they do wear out…

Porsche Cayenne S diesel

Top 5 most powerful diesel engines

Looking for the efficiency of a diesel but don’t want to sacrifice power? These five powerful diesels will solve all your problems.

Suspension bushes

Suspension bushes explained

What are suspension bushes and why do you need them? David Morley explains.

car tyres

Why you should buy expensive tyres

When it comes to buying tyres, avoid the cheap stuff. Spend the extra money for the expensive ones – it could just save your life.

Bird poo on car paint

Does bird poo stain car paint?

Parking under a tree can mean much more damage than just leaves in the air-vents

rain-sensing wipers

How rain-sensing windscreen wipers work

Part Star Trek and part geek-tech, auto wipers are coming to a car near you soon

Valve Cap on car wheel

Why do I need valve caps?

Ever thought of ditching the valve caps on your tyres? We don’t blame you. They’re dirty, fiddly and annoying. They’re also crucial.

Baby In Child Seat Jpg

Children left too long in infant capsules are at risk

New research suggests travelling with a child in an infant seat for too long can be deadly.

Tyre Skid Marks ABS Jpg

How to brake in an emergency stop

You don’t need to be a racing driver to know how to stop quickly. The wonders of modern car technology have your back.

Yellow Renault Car Colour Jpg

How buying a bright car colour can affect your resale value

When choosing the colour of your new car, it’s worth keeping in mind what others might think of it when it comes time to sell

Man Adjusting Side Mirror For Blind Spot Jpg

How to check your blind spots

Certain cars are easier to see out of than others, and this can have a drastic impact on how easy they are to drive. Corby explains why checking for blind spots is important.