
Tim Keen


Tim Keen

Tim Keen? He's the one the who always goes for the funny bone.

Opinion If we were citizens of the cars we drove

Opinion: If countries were based on car models

Mixing his Game of Thrones episodes with VFACTS statistics has got Keen thinking in nations

Opinion Anything which can go wrong will go wrong unless you want it to go wrong

Opinion: Finagle's Law and car technology

Lexus' new side cameras has got Keen pondering on the paradox of Finagle's Law

Opinion How The Fun Police Gets You Jpg

Opinion: The lies people tell about their driving habits

Be prepared for some Grade 'A' mental gymnastics

Keen Opinion Karting Jpg

Opinion: Get your kids into karting

Try racing karts with your kids instead of tossing a ball around

We Need More Emoji For Cars Jpg

Opinion: We need more emoji for cars

Keen has got 2666 problems but only two of them are cars

Opinion Driving Is Therapy When Done Right Jpg

Opinion: Driving is therapy when done right

A long drive could be torture or the best form of mental relief, if you have the right mindset

Opinion Forget SU Vs Make Vans Cool Again Jpg

Opinion: Forget SUVs, let's make vans cool again

Why bother copying the Range Rover when there is a cooler, more practical shape to follow?

Opinion Car sharing is daft

Opinion: Why car-sharing is awful

Tim isn't too keen on lending his car out to strangers... or anyone for that matter

Opinion Autonomous vehicles are only as good as its map

Opinion: Autonomous vehicles are only as good as their maps

Faith in Google and a rutted side road nearly leads to a Deliverance experience

Opinion Elon Musk might be from the future

Opinion: Elon Musk might really be from the future

Maybe he knows something we don’t. The words “gets paid nothing” have so far failed to appear in any Musk biography

Opinion Evolution is taking our treasures away

Opinion: Evolution is making cars less fun

We are seeing the disappearance of another feature - the fog light

Opinion whos trying to kill the electric car thumbnail

Opinion: Who's trying to kill the electric car?

Has Tesla Model 3 production bottlenecks got you down? Tim has a theory of who is behind it.

2018 Hennessey Venom F5

Opinion: Are video games ruining real driving?

Which is to blame? Are video games spoiling real life, or is real life spoiling video games?

2018 Lamborghini Urus

Opinion: Please, Ferrari, don't follow the SUV trend

A Ferrari SUV. It’s madness... Be a good dad, Sergio Marchionne and please say no to the SUV brats

Holden Commodore range

Opinion: Let's remember the Commodore for its triumphs

Let’s remember the Commodore the way it should be – not how it went out, but how it lived tearing up the Mountain

Alfa Romeo Giulia interior

Opinion: Are car makers listening to your conversations?

Do car makers have the right to listen in on what happens inside your ride via interior microphones?

Lamborghini Countach

Opinion: Dirt roads would make smarter drivers

Tim Keen reckons the world might be better off if we used more dirt roads to try to raise Australia’s national driving IQ.

HSV Kiddimoto Billykart

Opinion: Billykarts teach kids about cars

Nailing together a billy cart from the leftover crap in Dad’s shed is how kids learn important early lessons

Audi A4 with bumper stickers

Opinion: Don’t put bumper stickers on your car

Bumper stickers are like the facial tattoos of the car world

Can YouTube teach you how to drive

Opinion: Can YouTube teach you how to drive?

The internet is a wealth of information, but a driving instructor? Maybe…

The days of barn finds are almost over porsche main

Opinion: The days of barn-finds are almost over

It’s unlikely we’ll be pulling tarps of modern cars in the future and getting excited about them, making this probably the last era of barn finds.

Ferrari 812 Superfast

Opinion: Ferrari 812 Superfast

The Ferrari 812 is called the Superfast for the same reason Nike has a shoe called the Hyperdunk

Opinion: Traffic Makes Me a Homicidal Maniac

Opinion: Traffic Makes Me a Homicidal Maniac

Maybe I need to stop demonising traffic jams. In fact, maybe I need to find a way to make them… desirable

Opinion: Truth and Politics of NT's Open Speed Limits

Opinion: Truth and Politics of NT's Open Speed Limits

There probably are idiotic experts, like the people who keep funding Adam Sandler movies