
Video: Renault reveals new logo

The stylised new logo will appear on cars and showrooms in the coming year

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France’s Renault has unveiled a new evolution of its iconic diamond logo, bound to appear on all production models and dealerships in the next couple of years.

Like its national rival Peugeot, Renault’s new logo represents a throwback tribute to the stylised diamond revealed in 1972 – a badge that served right up until the first version of the current chrome logo debuted in 1992. Its last tweak was made in 2015.

READ: Peugeot reveals new logo

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This latest redesign marks the ninth time Renault has redesigned the diamond logo, which made its first appearance in 1925, replacing a series of rounded logos – including a 1919 version with the Renault FT battle tank, highlighting Renault’s service to its nation in World War I.

As with the recent new logo announcements of Peugeot and Korea’s Kia, the new Renault logo first appeared on a show car – January’s bold, retro-inspired electric 5 prototype (pictured above).

"We have integrated it on the Renault 5 Prototype for the first time. It was for us a formidable testing ground. In view of the enthusiasm and the very positive feedback we received about the logo, we decided to launch it,” says Renault design boss Gilles Vidal.

"It is a balance between recognition of the brand's heritage and entering a new era, a symbol of the future. The restyled diamond perfectly embodies the ‘New Wave’ era that Renault has entered.”

Vidal adds that the new logo was designed to appear “uncluttered” and to inspire a feeling of movement – including animated versions of the logo that will appear in digital marketing campaigns.

The company has yet to reveal which production model will be the first to wear the new badge, although last year’s Megane eVision concept (pictured above) – previewing of a new electric model due to be revealed later this year ahead of a 2022 production schedule – would seem the likely choice.

Vidal says all Renault models, current and new, will be wearing the new logo by 2024.

MORE: Renault news and reviews
MORE: Renault reveals 5 electric prototype
MORE: Megane eVision concept revealed
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