RateCity highlights the safest cars for 2010 and shows why safety is up there with comprehensive car insurance.
One of our favourite Australian past-times is piling into the car and going for a drive. We love any excuse to get out of the house and take the car on the windy open road, but have you ever stopped to think about how safe your car is if you were involved in a collision?
According to a recent report from the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development & Local Government, there have been 338 fatalities throughout Australia this year alone, with 111 during March. Even though these numbers have decreased since last year, road safety is still a major issue and concern for all.
Star ratings guide the way
On a lighter note, there is something that you can do to ensure that you and your family are safer on the road. The Australasian New Car Assessment Program (ANCAP) conducts thorough safety tests of motor vehicles by using four tests: pedestrian, offset frontal, side impact and pole impact.
It keeps drivers up-to-date with information on the level of protection provided if vehicles were involved in a serious crash. All cars are given scores which is then turned into a star rating from one to five, with one being the lowest.
So if you are in the market for a new car, why not consider one of the following cars as tested and rated by ANCAP as the safest cars so far for 2010.
VW Polo (LHD) five door (5 stars)
Ford Territory 4L (5 stars)
Kia Sorento 2.2L (5 stars)
Increase your safe driving
Driving is one of those things that we regularly take for granted, but accidents can happen anywhere at any time, so always make sure that you reduce the risk of being in a crash by following these tips:
• Be alert and always observe what is happening around you.
• Always take extra care when changing lanes and overtaking. Watch out for your blind spots.
• Don’t just think that because the light is green that this is the all clear, be careful when going through intersections.
• Slow down when wet or when driving conditions are extreme and at night time.
• Never use a mobile phone while driving.
• Keep a safe distance between the car in front of you, especially when driving in the country.
• Take your time, it is better to be late than sorry.
Car insurance and safety go hand in hand
Apart from everyone’s safety the last thing you want to worry about is the costs involved to repair your car if you were involved a collision. If you do happen to be involved in a car accident it is beneficial to be insured with comprehensive car insurance. Compare car insurance companies online to find the best level of car insurance for your car.