
Peter Brock’s Bathurst-winning VH Commodore SS to fetch big money

The Lloyds Online auction has the car over $1.6m with two days left

Peter Brock Bathurst winning VH Commodore SS big money

One of the most recognisable Peter Brock race cars to exist, the Bathurst-winning VH Commodore SS, is up for grabs in a Lloyds Online auction.

It’s part of the selling-off of the HDT collection (formerly owned by Peter Champion) of Brock’s race and road cars set to wrap up on Saturday, timed to coincide with ‘Bathurst Weekend’.

Peter Brock Bathurst Winning VH Commodore SS Rear Jpg

As the time of writing, the bid for the VH is astronomically high – higher than the famous ‘Big Banger’ VK which was expected to be the biggest item on the lot list.

The bid, a whopping $1,610,000, is almost a full million higher than the $625,000 bid placed on the ‘Big Banger’ VK Commodore – currently the second highest price for a car in this auction.

This VH is claimed to be the car which won the Bathurst 1000 in both 1982 and 1983, while the VK is also the original, Champion says.

“This is one of two cars in our country to have won The Great Race twice,” Champion says of the VH.

“It’s a very special car to me as well, because I was fortunate enough to be invited to England in 2010 to do the Goodwood event.”

Holden VK Commodore Racer Jpg

Peter recalls a strange coincidence this particular car had caused while competing at Goodwood:

“While I was doing that event, I had an accident over there which earnt me the Spirit of Goodwood.

“There are only two Australian’s to win the Spirit of Goodwood, and Brocky was the other guy.”

Ford Sierra RS 500 Racer Jpg

Also featured in the auction is a Ford Sierra RS500 which, while believed to be Brock car by Lloyds, there’s contention that it may not be genuine. The listing is the only race car in the auction without a video featuring Champion talking about the car.

The auction will end just after 8pm on Saturday October 6. You can see the full lot list and check out the bids at Lloyds’ website.

Chris Thompson