What’s strewn around your workplace? Maybe a keyboard, computer screen and if you’re lucky, nice leather couches to lounge on during lunch.
Or maybe you occasionally have the chance to practice your forehand at a ping pong table.
Well it doesn’t matter, because your office isn’t as cool as this guy’s would have been.
This RenaultSport employee had the privilege of bench testing the firm’s 3.5-litre V10 engines under simulated race conditions in the safety of a lab.
So his place of work, according to the above video, consisted of an arm chair with H-pattern gear shifter, a pedal box to conduct impressive heel and toe, and of course, the gorgeous music of 10 pistons attached to a crankshaft revolving at 14,000rpm.
We can only guess this video is from the early 90s, but the footage of a Formula One V10 engine spitting flames is timeless. Have a watch and make sure you’re speakers are on. It’s great.