
GALLERY: SEMA 2016 in photos PART 2

More pics from SEMA 2016

GALLERY: SEMA 2016 in photos PART 2

THE SEMA show in Las Vegas recently wrapped up, and we’ve come away with a heap of sweet photos for you to drool over.

The range of aftermarket accessories and vehicles on display at SEMA is enormous, and these pics are but a small sample of what’s actually on offer.

Still, there are some awesome rigs featured in the gallery above – as well as some whacky, weird and crazy builds.

There are even builds that are so ludicrous and insane that they’ll just make you chuckle.

Cristian Brunelli was the man behind the lens, and he’s done a great job capturing the awesome variety on display.

If these pics don’t entice you to head on over next year, then nothing will.

For more SEMA show photos, check out Part 1 and Part 3 here.