
Incredible video answers the question: How safe is a golf cart?

A Euro NCAP crash test video of a golf cart has shown just how unsafe they can be in an accident.

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Damn algorithms. You watch one compilation video of men behaving badly in golf carts and suddenly there’s a rash of them in your feed. And just quietly, some of the carting accidents look kinda serious.

It made us wonder just how safe a golf cart is to drive? Considering that in 2023, over 12 million professional rounds of golf were played in Australia (according to GolfWA), perhaps it’s an issue that should be thought about more.

Despite many similarities with cars, golf carts are not subject to any form of crash testing by any safety body globally but as the below video shows, improvement is needed.

The crash test of the Club Cart Villager was performed by Euro NCAP in 2014 at a speed of 51km/h and the results weren’t pretty, with severe damage to the crash test dummies.

The Villager appears to not have any form of crumple zone to absorb the crash energy and the dummy’s upper body mangled around the steering wheel and its lower body crushed between the seat and the dashboard.

The Villager has seat belts, but they don’t do much, and the side impact was also pretty bad. According to Euro NCAP, the Villager performed “very poorly and showed serious risks of life-threatening injuries” in a crash. Something to consider next time your mate decides to drive down a hill on a par 5 at top speed…

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Golf cart safety tips:
Drive responsibly
Observe speed limits
Stay focused
Avoid sharp turns
Keep arms and legs inside
Don’t squeeze in extra passengers
Don’t drink and drive
Avoid driving in bad weather

Have you ever driven a golf cart and wondered how safe it was? Let us know in the comments below.