
NVES: Aussies want cleaner, money saving cars – Climate Council

New poll finds Aussies want cars that use less fuel, emit less greenhouse gases, and save them $$$.

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The Climate Council has polled Australians on the question of fuel prices, fuel consumption, and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Polling 1126 Australians, the Council's survey found that most of us want cleaner cars that are better for the environment and better for our back pocket.

The poll suggests sentiment for the proposed New Vehicle Efficiency Standard is strongly in favour of pushing carmakers into offering cleaner engines and more electrified options – at least among those who 'took a side'.

Results of the national poll show a majority of participants (80%) feel pressured by high, and rising, petrol bills (irrespective of whether fuel prices are rising in real terms). Almost the same number of respondents (74%) cited a reduction in vehicle emissions as important for tackling climate change.

Climate Council modelling indicates the New Vehicle Efficiency Standard (NVES) proposed by the federal government will significantly reduce fuel prices and GHG emissions.

What we know about the Aussies polled

The survey did not look to driver status as a metric worth recording, although all respondents were adults.

The Climate Council's survey shows that of the 1126 people polled, most were in NSW (366) and Vic (299), followed by QLD (218), WA (113) and SA (79). Tasmania appears have been left out of the poll.

There were 537 male respondents and 589 female, with apparently none identifying differently. Age groups were divided between 18-34 (316), 35-54 (391), 55+ (419).

725 respondents live in capital cities, with the remaining 401 described as 'non-capital'. 634 claimed paid employment and 248 said they are retired. Household incomes were evenly split, with 368 described as low income, 316 as middle income, and 365 as high income. 447 said they have dependent children, 679 claim they do not.

Mike Stevens

When it comes to the NVES as a means for bringing these changes about, respondents were less united – but the largest group is clearly in favour.

While 65% of respondents agreed that 'Australians deserve access to the same cleaner and cheaper-to-run vehicles that manufacturers currently sell in other countries with fuel efficiency standards’, only 52% agreed the NVES ‘will help cut fuel bills for Australian households’.

Likewise, only 54% supported using the NVES to make new vehicles sold in Australia more efficient.

However, among those not on the fence, support for the NVES was the strongest result. Only 14% said they oppose the idea, with 33% undecided.

Some manufacturers have been criticised for not selling their cleanest models in Australia – a sentiment reflected in the poll results.

With concern about rising fuel bills and climate change on the rise, 65 percent of those polled agree Australians deserve access to the same cleaner, more efficient cars that are already being sold overseas.

The Climate Council considers that implementing the NVES will incentivise manufacturers to sell their most efficient models in the Australian car market, in turn saving money and reducing emissions.

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“We’ve heard a lot of self-interested talk lately from multinational car brands about what Aussies want to drive," said Climate Council Head of Advocacy, Dr Jennifer Rayner.

"The answer couldn’t be clearer: the majority of Australians want cars that are cheaper to run and don’t pollute our air and climate."

“The big brands aren’t bringing cleaner, cheaper cars to Australia right now, even though they’re already selling them in the millions overseas. An effective New Vehicle Efficiency Standard can change that”, said Dr Rayner.

“Australians understand our dirty cars are costing us, and our environment, far too much. Mums and dads are particularly feeling the pinch of high petrol prices, and they’re worried about the risks of escalating climate change for their kids. Cleaning up our cars is a practical solution on both fronts, and Aussies know it. That’s why a majority supports this standard.”

The Climate Council says the NVES will reduce running costs and health impacts associated with vehicles without impacting prices.

Dr Rayner has accused major manufacturers of acting in their own interests, rather than Australia’s.

“The Federal Government should listen to what Australians want and deliver the NVES as soon as possible”, she said. “ Big car brands trying to block it are speaking only for themselves, not for our community.”
