- Modified 300 Series already under construction
- Second Stage Manufacturer approved
- Ready for customers in Q4 2022
LandCruiser 300 Series vehicles might be thin on the ground at Toyota showrooms due to supply shortages and long waiting lists, but that hasn’t stopped the proactive aftermarket from stepping up to produce touring Cruisers that adventurous Aussies want ASAP.

As with most of Rambler’s existing chassis chops and stretches, they teamed up with ASG 4x4 to get the cutters and welder out for the serious metal work. ASG has SSM (Second Stage Manufacturer) approvals for such conversions and you might have seen some of Rambler’s previously converted vehicles in 4X4 Australia magazine in recent years.
“ASG 4x4 had been working on the engineering for over a year before the release (of the 300) to ensure they were ready to go,” said Kris. “They currently have two 300s being converted, but there is still engineering to be done and SSM approvals, etc.”
Looking at the renderings, the red 300 has a 350mm chassis extension, while the white 300 has a 650mm stretch.

“Once the basic model was right we had to look to the market for who had released accessories,” explained Kris. “For the 350mm, we used an artist's impression of what we think the TJM Venturer bar will look like on the car and modelled the suspension on Superior Engineering’s three-inch lift and 35-inch tyres on Method Race Wheels.”
For the white car with the longer chassis they have rendered it with a TJM T13 Outback bar, side rails and steps recently released specifically to suit the 650mm extension. It gets a two-inch TJM suspension kit and rolls on 33-inch tyres.
Both 300s feature trays and rear bodies from Spinifex Manufacturing, with a Mini-body on the white car and a Midi-body on the red one. Both rigs feature Lightforce HTX lighting and TJM winches.

Once LandCruiser 300s become more readily available we reckon you’ll be seeing modified versions just like these touring all over the country. Thanks to the forward thinking of Rambler Vehicles, ASG 4x4 and TJM, the engineering and development will be ready for those wanting them.
Kris says he is taking orders for them now and planning to have them out to customers and on the tracks in the last quarter of 2022.