Goodwood Estate is in the UK. It rains there. It’s also the location of a fairly prestigious motoring event. Get where this is going?
Sure, they could have just done a turnaround the normal way, but the people who own (or are driving) these cars are there to have fun.
This is the Goodwood Festival of Speed, and it’s one place where no one will scowl at you for doing a skid.
Though there are a few that decide not to spin their supercars on the spot (like the Bugatti Chiron at 2:45), most of these cars get a at least little bit sideways on their way around the road end.
A few of them even drift into their allocated parking spots.
Unfortunately, not all of these drivers could quite get itright. Pretty much any skid is good in our books, save for the ones that write off cars, but the Renault Alpine driver at 0:50 probably didn’t quite mean to end up backwards.
The fellow in the Lexus LFA seen shortly after at 1:15 probably didn’t mean to end up backwards either, but he totally saved it by turning the mistake into a couple of tasty donuts.
Award for ‘Best use of space available’ goes to the driver of the Lotus 3-Eleven at 1:50, who rounded the full width of the U-turn space and didn’t lose control. Smooth as silk.
Lastly, the biggest surprise of this video was seeing one of our own, a Maloo ute, in the background. It was of course disguised as a Vauxhall VXR, though.