The Holden Commodore looks like it might remain the car of choice for South Australian police, but not in the traditional sense.
The new euro-sourced ZB Commodore is being trialled by SAPol, along with the Kia Sorrento, to determine what might replace the current fleet of vehicles.
Specifically, the models being tested are Commodore RS V6 AWD, featuring the 3.6-litre atmo V6 with 235KW/381Nm.
At the same time, SAPol is testing a different look for its cars, with a colour scheme to signify the car’s designation.
Silver coloured Commodores will be trialled for general traffic duties; white Commodores will be trialled for general duties.
The black Commodores will be trialled across the state as special traffic fleets.
SA Police assistant commissioner Peter Harvey says the car’s safety is a key issue in the decision-making process.

“SAPol has now identified two motor vehicles which we are trialling for a range of duties including frontline operational response,” Harvey says.
“The trialling of the Kia Sorrento continues and today we have added the new imported Holden ZB Commodore to that.
“This ZB Commodore has more active safety features than the previous VF Commodore.With that - it should be of great appeal to our frontline officers.
“The trial of both types of vehicles is important as SAPol continues to grow and expands its overall fleet to provide the best possible fit for purpose vehicles.
“The new police markings have a greater visibility to motorists, especially at night, due to the high visibility stripes.”
With the ZB Commodore, South Australia’s officers will be outgunned when compared to the recently-added Kia Stingers and Chrysler SRTs utilised in East Coast states.