
Wheels Review: Porsche 911 Carrera 4S

I’ve just had an hour I’ll never forget, on a road I just can’t believe in a car that I’ve just fallen madly, hopelessly in love with.

Review: Porsche 911 Carrera 4S 2013, wheels, magazine, review, price

We drive for years, yet the best moments are over in seconds or minutes. Hours, if we are lucky.

I’ve just had an hour I’ll never forget, on a road I just can’t believe in a car that I’ve just fallen madly, hopelessly in love with.

Now before I turn around and go back the way I’ve come I’ll just sit for a few seconds and think.

But it’s harder to come down from the high figuratively than it is literally. In my mind I’m still snapping the new 991-generation Porsche 911 Carrera 4S coupe left then right, hunting the nose from corner to corner, revelling in its steering purity, instant throttle response and sure, sure grip.

Bruce Newton