
WhichCar's compact SUV megatest tournament

The team pitches six of the top compact SUVs head-to-head in the inaugural WhichCar Auto Games

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Why is the compact SUV segment enjoying such a heyday? To answer this question we bring together the entire WhichCar team in a series of automotive events that test both the strengths and weaknesses of six crossover contenders.

Click through the video gallery above to view parts 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the 2019 WhichCar Auto Games special

Do SUVs actually offer any kind of all-terrain ability? With tiny dimensions can they be as practical as they pertain? And when you load them up with people and things, do these little high-riders have the performance to get you places with time to spare or are they frustratingly glacial?

It's Suzuki versus Subaru for the Cross Country event, Hyundai bumps gloves with Nissan for the 1400m Sprint and Citroen weighs in with Toyota for the Autokhana. And there are plenty of surprises along the way.

See the team brought together for the first time in the series in this automotive olympiad like no other.

See the full episode: Watch at tenplay.com.au (AU) or primetv.co.nz (NZ)


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