
Tough dog supports tough testing

4x4 Australia is packing the rigs to head off on our 4x4 Of The Year road test next week...and we're welcoming Tough Dog Suspensions, who are coming along to join in the fun!

Tough dog supports tough testing

4x4 Australia is packing the rigs to head off on our 4x4 Of The Year road test next week...

Promising to be an intense six days of rigorous on and off road evaluation with the pick of the new 4-wheel drive crop of the past year.

We’re welcoming along the support of Tough Dog Suspensions for this momentous occasion. Unfortunately none of the standard vehicles on test will benefit from Tough Dog Suspension, as it would give them an unfair advantage, but with 30 years in the suspension business, Tough Dog can improve the ride and performance of most 4x4s available today.

“4x4 of the year recognises and rewards the growing sophistication of the vehicle manufacturers and the products they bring to the Australian marketplace and Tough Dog was afforded an opportunity to support and sponsor the recognition of this premier event,” said Tough Dog’s John Agostino in announcing his support.

“As the Tough Dog brand is a premium brand and is synonymous with very good quality, it was appropriate that we lent our support. Top Car, Top Shock and Top Mag - who could ask anything more?”

The full results of our road testing will be published in the February 2015 issue of 4x4 Australia, on sale January 8.