
Five non-negotiables for safe touring this festive season

Trip preparation: Stay safe on the roads this holiday season

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For those lucky enough to get a well-earned break this holiday season, here are five tips to keep you and your family safe. Remember, it’s going to be busy out there at this time of year, so keep your cool and get there safely!

1: Basic vehicle checks

This tip should go without saying – and it applies to all vehicles regardless of whether it’s 4x4 or 4x2 – but ensure your vehicle is serviced regularly. If you have a long-distance road trip on the horizon, then plan accordingly and get it serviced ahead of schedule. Other than a routine service, ensure tyres (and the spare) are at the correct psi and tread levels are in good condition; the water, coolant and oil levels are spot-on; and all of the basics are humming along nicely. And check your rego and insurance expiration dates, just in case.

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2: Happy mapping

Download the best navigation apps – Waze and Google Maps – if your route doesn’t veer too far from the blacktop. These apps will not only get you to the correct destination, but will alert you to traffic congestion, provide alternate routes, and buzz when a speed camera is approaching. Still, it's the holiday season, so be prepared for clogged roads and try to be patient.

These apps won’t be much use when bitumen turns to dust, so make sure you install a 4x4-specific app like or purchase a physical map (both from HEMA, for example).

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3: Rest and stay alert

When behind the wheel for long stints in pursuit of a quiet beach-side campsite (good luck), it’s important to break up long drives with plenty of rest stops, even if it’s just to stretch your legs. The consensus is to stop for 10 or 15 minutes every couple of hours, and overnight siestas are recommended for really long trips – you don’t want to be playing chicken with suicidal wildlife at sunset - especially without a bull bar.

4: Permit checks

Plan ahead to ensure you have all of the correct permits and paperwork for your trip – and do it well in advance in case your application falls through. Plenty of remote places require permits, but most of the popular hotspots don’t – check anyway.

5: Pack smart

Carry extra fuel (outside the vehicle), extra water, and extra food in case of an emergency. You simply never know what might happen when touring remote places, so always pack smart. If an emergency does occur, then stay calm, stay with your vehicle, and radio in your location (yes, with a UHF CB which should be with you). Also pack smart, with heavy items at the bottom, cumbersome items up on the roof racks, and frequently used items within easy reach. Here's our guide on how to pack a 4x4.

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For more information, read our in-depth guide on 4x4 preparation 👇